Rewilding Through Writing: Fall Session


Strengthening Craft & Mining Within

7 sessions, every other week starting October 8th

Sundays 12 - 2pm EST

Reserve your space for ‘Rewilding Through Writing,’ the intimate women’s writing course with author, Vanessa Chakour.

We dive a little deeper with biweekly fall and winter sessions. Each season of the course has it’s own rhythm and corresponding themes.

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Once you register, please contact Vanessa with your vision and intention for the course.

An important note: Sharing creative work requires vulnerability, and it is important for that experience to feel safe and supported. I aim to foster a space where students feel encouraged to bring their most honest selves to class and to the page. As a group, I ask that we practice deep listening, compassion, and acceptance of everyone involved. Discrimination, harassment, or abuse on the basis of ability, age, appearance, economic class, gender identification, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or any other aspect of the participant's identity will not be tolerated, and will result in dismissal from class and community.